Capsule Dimension

Vision Sensor Capsule Dimension Application

More Control Capsule Dimensions Given the increasingly tight regulations and high standards set on the pharmaceutical and medical industries, there is a growing demand to have complete quality assurance in the production, selecting and processing of all items.

For this application, the customer needed to check the overall length of a capsule to ensure that the two halves were closed. If the capsule is not completely closed, it may leak the active ingredient during transit and would subsequently become a defective item.

For this particular application, the Omron FZ Vision System was chosen.

By using the Omron FZ vision system, we can display the capsule in a transparent format and also the backlit to give to give an edge of contrast.

More Control Capsule Dimensions Edge finding tools measure the length of the capsule and this was converted from pixels to millimetres to ensure accurate precision when measuring the capsules.

The top screen shows the raw picture and the bottom screen shows the processed image with an edge extraction filter in use.

This simple but effective vision application allowed the customer to accurately view all edges along a given capsule to ensure that the two halves were joined correctly, without any imperfections or holes.

If you have a vision sensor application that you wish to have designed or developed feel free to contact More Control on: 0345 00 00 400.

Automation Applications

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21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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